Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El

The Little Shul with the Big Heart

8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Phone: 215-635-1505 | Email:

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Inclusion Month Video

Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month

Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month (JDAIM) is a unified national initiative during the month of February to raise disability awareness and support efforts to foster inclusion in Jewish communities worldwide. Jewish Learning Venture, a Jenkintown-based organization, has as its mission to “inspire and empower people to make Jewish life, learning, and community relevant and meaningful.”  More information about this organization can be found at

A signature initiative of Jewish Learning Venture,  Whole Community Inclusion strives to ensure that every family raising Jewish children with disabilities are warmly welcomed and included in Jewish community. 

In February, 2018 the group featured MBIEE’s Fran Sion in a video explaining the goals and accomplishments of MBIEE’s Inclusion Program.

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