8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Phone: 215-635-1505 | Email: office@mbiee.org
We warmly invite you to become MBIEE Sisterhood members.
Together, our Sisterhood group enriches our lives as Jewish women while having fun together. Through our affiliation with Women’s League for Convervative Judaism, we also are connected to Convervative/Masorti women across the continent and around the world.
Check out the list of our accomplishments and activities during the past year! Sisterhood is a source of varied, enlightening and fun programming. Plans and ideas for future programs are underway, and you are very much needed, wanted, and appreciated.
To join our Sisterhood group, please contact the MBIEE office (215-635-1505 or sisterhood@mbiee.org). Our dues are $36. yearly. Please make your check payable to MBIEE Sisterhood.
Fee free to invite your relatives, friends, and neighbors, and invite them to join our community as well.
We look forward to having you with us!
MBIEE Sisterhood Officers
Co-presidents: Rebecca Gellman, Sherry Kohn Eisman
Membership VP: Margo Kuno
Treasurer: Catalina Kurschner
Financial Secretary: Karen Berger
Recording Secretary: Sharon Sussman
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