8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Phone: 215-635-1505 | Email: office@mbiee.org
We invite you to join the MBIEE Men’s Club, a dynamic and important aspect of our congregation’s activities. Throughout the year, we meet regularly to discuss, plan and lead many different social, religious, family and community-oriented events, bringing together members of all ages and backgrounds.
The Men’s Club sponsors and coordinates many informative and fun events, such as educational programs, fundraising activities, and opportunities to contribute to our local community. Along with our usual fare of distinguished speakers and authors, the Men’s Club, now a member of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, will be presenting a variety of programs throughout the coming year. Speaking of your gelt, a program on Israel, a Sunday sports brunch and a Men’s health symposium are proposed topics. The 200 Club, Men’s Club Shabbat and an annual fund raiser round out the busy year’s activities.
All Men’s Club Board Meetings are open to all members so you can let us know how we are doing. Watch the eBlast for dates and times of the board meetings. Your continued support and participation is needed to continue its success. Dues are $36.00 per year and can be paid by sending a check to our office made out to “MBIEE Men’s Club”.
Please contact the MBIEE office (215-635-1505) for more information, or send an email to secretary@mbiee.org
A major responsibility of the MBIEE Men’s Club is the erection of our Sukkah. Here are some pictures of men at work.
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